CAPE GIRARDEAU, Mo. (KFVS) – One thing many across the globe can agree on is their love for food.
That’s what gathered SEMO students together on Tuesday in Cape Girardeau as they offered foods from their own countries as part of the International Education Week.
Students we talked with said this is a great way to educate others on some of the culture from their home.
“I would like for people to see our traditional food, our sweets,” Issra Mrad said. “It’s like an honor for me to be here to be presenting my country. It’s actually one of the reasons I am and exchange student in SEMO.”
Mrad’s home is in Tunisia, located in North Africa. She said this is a great opportunity to be able to educate and share with the people here about the food and culture from her country.
“I believe that every country has a unique thing about it,” Mrad said. “I feel my country has the same thing and I wanted people here to see it and to taste our food because, for me, I believe our food is like the best one and it’s delicious. I wanted Americans to see it and to taste it.”
Sevda Mirali is a student at SEMO as well. She is from Tehran, Iran. She said this was a great opportunity to talk with people about her culture while sharing a delicious dish as well.
“I believe people here don’t get a chance to know really well from the real perspective about the country; especially from Iran and the Middle East” Mirali said. “I thought maybe it would be a good chance to make a friendly chat and let them know more about my country.”
International Education Week is a government initiative designed to attract people from other countries to share experiences and programs with Americans as part of an effort to strengthen relationships between current and future leaders.
To learn more about Southeast Missouri State University’s international education and services, you can find their website here.
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