Lifestyle and health benefits of Trans-Fat Free Vanaspati and how it is going to impact the market

Lifestyle and health benefits of Trans-Fat Free Vanaspati and how it is going to impact the market

The eating habits of today’s generation differ significantly from those of previous generations. The older generation, in comparison to the millennials, were more interested in eating home-cooked meals. Our eating habits have shifted considerably within a few decades, with our diets becoming nearly unrecognizable from those of our grandparents and great-grandparents. Despite understanding a lot about eating well, the current generation consumes an incredibly unhealthy diet and skips traditional meals. Though people are more concerned about consuming nutritious meals today than they were 20 years ago, with limited information available at hand, customers end up purchasing unhealthy foods and one such is trans-fat laden foods. Through this article, I will explain trans-fats, the benefits of trans-fat free Vanaspati and its impact on the market. So diving directly into it, we need to first understand “What exactly trans-fats are?”

Trans-fat is considered the worst type of fat to eat. Trans-fats are also called trans-fatty acids (TFAs) that raise “bad” cholesterol and also lowers “good” cholesterol in our blood. The more trans-fats consumed, the greater the risk of heart diseases. Processed foods and a lot of fried items have trans-fats in them.  Dairy and meat products also have trans-fats that are naturally present and trans-fat content in such products can be as high as upto 5%.

Talking about Vanaspati, it is seen by many as an affordable substitute to ghee, and is known to impart good taste to the food cooked in it. Vanaspati has traditionally been manufactured through the process of partial hydrogenation. However, there has been a lot of research over the years that has helped in ways of producing Vanaspati which is Trans-fat Free and is a relatively much safer and healthier option today.

The World Health Organization has been driving the agenda of making all food products trans-fat free by 2023. Dalda Vanaspati is already trans-fat Free today which means it gives you taste with health.

We all know healthy eating is regarded as one of the most important components of personal well-being but still due to a fast pace life that we all live in, many end up having not so healthy diets. With already having a full plate with several things like office work, kids, daily chores and other activities, people tend to invest less time in meal moments and the prepping that comes with it and end up eating something quick and easy even if it is associated with health hazards. Eating junk, processed or unhealthy food will progressively make maintaining a good eating pattern more difficult. Instead, strive towards balance. With occasional treats, eat healthier meals more frequently. While oil, ghee/ Vanaspati are the first and most significant components in any kind of cooking, it is recommended that people grasp the benefits of consuming them and distinguish between what is good and bad in the long run. When consuming oil, ghee, or Vanaspati, people should be aware of the difference between the various types of fats including trans-fats present in them.

It is very important to be mindful to read labels and check if a particular food item or Vanaspati from a brand is trans-fat free or not before purchasing. I believe, as consumers become more educated about the hazards of trans-fat consumption, they will choose companies and brands that are taking the necessary steps to offer more health-conscious products which are trans-fat free. So it becomes crucial to spread awareness and engage citizens on campaigns of food safety, combating food adulteration and healthy diets and trans-fat free products.

India, like many other countries, is committed to eradicate industrial trans-fats from food products. By using a trans-fat free cooking medium and leading a healthy active lifestyle, a lot of lives can be saved. So, let’s work together in making India a trans-fat free nation.

(The author is AVP Marketing at Bunge India. Views expressed are personal and do not reflect the official position or policy of the