What will we be eating and drinking in 2023 and beyond?

What will we be eating and drinking in 2023 and beyond?

For its annual global trends report, Mintel compiled consumer data from 36 global markets, product launches from its Global New Products Database (GNPD), and additional insights from its suite of data science and analytics tools. 

Cognitive health and focus

Among the several expectations consumers have for food and beverages, nutrition in the form of cognitive health benefits is rising to the top of their needs list.

“Consumers will look for food and drink that influence cognitive capacity, manage stress levels, and optimize brain function,”​ noted Mintel.

This emerging consumer need state will take shape in the form of beverages with less caffeine and brands exploring alternative ingredients such as ginseng and L-theanine, which have been linked to positive cognitive performance. In the US, yaupon — a specific tea leaf native to the US — is currently trending for a more mellow energy buzz and a high antioxidant profile. 

Often overlooked, fruits and vegetables will also become a critical piece of consumers’ personal health journeys, predicted Mintel, 

“Fruits, vegetables, and other plants can explain how their inherent nutrition links with cognitive health. For example, legumes like pinto beans are sources of magnesium, a mineral that has been linked with reducing stress and fatigue.

“Looking forward, new research and patents related to the gut-brain axis will create opportunities to highlight how the digestive health benefits of pro-, pre-, and post-biotics support cognitive health. This gives fiber-rich foods such as produce the potential to shine.”